Page 29 - Policy Economic Report_Jan 25
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              OIL & GAS MARKET

              Table 3: Non-DoC liquids production in 2025, mb/d

              Non-OPEC liquids production                2024    1Q25   2Q25   3Q25   4Q25   2025

              Americas                                   27.62   27.95  28.11  28.41  28.65  28.28
                                                                 21.84  22.24  22.35  22.41  22.21
              of which US                                21.71    3.79   3.66   3.64   3.75   3.71
              Europe                                     3.61     0.43   0.42   0.43   0.43  32.41
                                                                 32.16  32.19  32.48  32.83   4.58
              Asia Pacific                               0.44                                 0.79
                                                                  4.63   4.61   4.53   4.54   1.58
              Total OECD                                 31.66    0.78   0.79   0.80   0.80   7.50
                                                                  1.61   1.58   1.57   1.57   2.02
              China                                      4.57     7.41   7.44   7.52   7.64   2.33
                                                                  2.01   2.03   2.03   2.03   0.37
              India                                      0.79     2.33   2.33   2.33   2.32   0.10
                                                                  0.37   0.37   0.37   0.37  19.28
              Other Asia                                 1.61     0.10   0.10   0.10   0.10  51.70
                                                                 19.24  19.26  19.25  19.36   2.58
              Latin America                              7.24    51.40  51.45  51.74  52.19  54.28
                                                                  2.58   2.58   2.58   2.58
              Middle East                                2.00    53.98  54.03  54.32  54.77

              Africa                                     2.31

              Other Eurasia                              0.37

              Other Europe                               0.10

              Total Non-OECD                             18.99

              Total Non-DoC production                   50.65

              Processing gains                           2.52

              Total Non-DoC liquids production           53.17

              Source- OPEC monthly report, January 2025

              ? From the above table, it can be inferred, that the total non-DoC liquids production is expected to
                  reach 54.28 mb/d by 2025.

              ? The non-DoC liquids supply (i.e. liquids supply from countries not participating in the Declaration of
                  Cooperation) in 2025 is forecast to grow by 1.1 mb/d, y-o-y.

              Oil demand situation

              ? The global oil demand growth forecast for 2025 remains unchanged at 1.4 mb/d. The OECD is forecast
                  to grow by about 0.1 mb/d, while the non-OECD is forecast to grow by about 1.3 mb/d. This robust oil
                  demand growth is expected to continue in 2026.

              ? The global oil demand in 2026 is forecast to grow by 1.4 mb/d, y-o-y. The OECD is forecast to grow by
                  about 0.1 mb/d, y-o-y, while demand in the non-OECD is forecast to grow by about 1.3 mb/d.

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