Talk on Gas hydrates


Talk on Gas hydrates

A TALK on Gas Hydrates was organized by Petrofed and Energy Think Tank on October 27, 2016 at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi. Eminent members of Energy Think Tank and invited participants from DGH, ONGC, OIL, GAIL and IOCL etc participated.

Dr. C. R. Prasad, ETT Convenor gave a brief account of status of Gas Hydrate exploration in India and introduced the speakers. Dr. Avinash Chandra, Dr. Pushpendra Kumar and Shri. Sunil Kumar Singh made detailed presentation on ‘Gas Hydrates’ covering the initiative, present status, resources available and way forward.

The participants from different organizations conveyed thanks profusely for the informative session on Gas Hydrates and good work done so far.

Suggestions/ Recommendation arising out of the talk & discussion has been forwarded to MoP&NG, NITI Ayog & DGH.

The key recommendation emerging from the meeting are here