Training program on “Energy Trading, Risk Management and Pricing”


Training program on “Energy Trading, Risk Management and Pricing”

A three day training program on “Energy Trading, Risk Management and Pricing” was organized by Federation of Indian Petroleum Industry (FIPI) from 12th to 14th September 2017. Mr. Johannes Benigni, the Chairman and Founder of JBC Energy Group was conducted the program and was attended by 30 professionals from the oil & gas industry.

The program talked about the basic principles of risk management which can be applied within organizations, the roles of various departments in the risk management process, understanding of the most common types of risk that are faced by companies and to learn how companies identify, monitor, control and report risk in the energy and commodity trading environment. Further, the role of derivatives was discussed in detail for managing trading and pricing risks. Concepts such as Mark-to-Market, Value at Risk, Stress Testing concepts and the role these play in managing trading risk were also discussed at great length.

The program also gave insights into various calculations used in energy price formation and the methodologies used by price reporting agencies along with investigating the inter-relationships between energy prices in different parts of the world. The training program was concluded with distribution of completion certificates for the program and vote of thanks by Mr. N K Bansal, Director (Oil Refining & Marketing), FIPI.